Learning to limp

Monday 25th January 2016. The day I went home.

After two days of very little sleep, hospital food and chatting to my ward mates (it's amazing how shared problems bring people together), I got to go home with my girlfriend Roisin. Can I just take this opportunity to say how much of saint she is? She brought me food, kept me entertained as much as she could and never let my spirit drop, despite me being a bit pissed off about the situation.

The physio came to see me and gave me my crutches and for the first time in almost 72 hours, I got up out of my bed. The pain of moving my off the bed was excruciating. Anyone who has had a similar injury will know what this feels like. I got up and wobbled around the ward for 5 minutes and the physio seemed happy for me to go home. 30 minutes later, more hobbling, heavy breathing, shouting, swearing and the slowest taxi ride in history I was lying on my bed with my leg propped up on pillows. I had to get used to this position.

One of my first considerations was my work, everyone needs to make their living right? I work as a field sales rep for a contract furniture company called sixteen3 - www.sixteen3.co.uk. I called my boss and told him what had happened. Rob is more of a football fan and told me that he warned me about that 'silly game' but lucky for me he was understanding and we agreed that I would work from home until I was ready to go back out to meet our customers.

I was on some pretty heavy pain relief (Co-codamol 30mg/500mg) which made me extremely drowsy and really got in the way of work as I found it really hard to concentrate and just wanted to sleep all the time. I also still have to inject myself with blood thinners every evening - let me tell you that made me sweat the first time, all you diabetics out there, I salute you!

Everything was uncomfortable, going to the toilet, bathing, eating, moving myself at all. The highlight of this week was probably when Roisin wheeled in the TV and I got to play Fallout 4.

The positives at this point were: 1. Did I mention I got to play Fallout 4 in bed? 2. I was sleeping like I had never slept owing to being constantly whacked out of my face on painkillers. 3. I was getting lots of visitors. Shout out has to go to Philippa who runs her own home bakery - http://www.phillyskitchen.co.uk/ and brought me various treats over the course of the week.

At this point I was actually quite enjoying the time off my feet, if you ignore the painful snap in my left leg. Sadly this wasn't to last. The pain killers ran out after the first week, and this is when I really started to realise just how much my life had been affected.


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